Thursday, January 13, 2011


As of this afternoon, we have been activated! What this means is that from here on out, at any moment, a birth mom from anywhere in the United States could look at information about us, and choose us to be their baby's parents! It's going to be breath-taking to see how God aligns us with the birth mom we all have been praying for.

Earlier this week, we sent a $10,000 check to our adoption agency. This was the fee to become activated. This will allow our agency to look deep and wide across the country for a birth mom for us. This would not have been possible without the many generous friends that we have. Your great desire to give has enlarged our hearts to become more of a giving couple. We are blown away by the church stepping up and being the Acts 2 church. From the prayers, and the financial donations, and the Tastefully Simple parties - we have a sincerely amazing chapter to add to our testimony. Thank you so much.

We began our paperwork on September 15th, did a little bit each night, had a lot of help from friends and family, and now, four months later, we're going to allow God to work with our agency to bring us our first child.

What we expect next is a lot of prayer, and then a phone call one day from our agency saying something like, "Your baby has been born in (pick a state). Can you fly out tonight to meet your child?" How crazy is that?!

God is so good. He has brought us closer to Him through trial, and we could not be more grateful for this journey (by the way, we picked out first and middle names last night, boy or girl)!


  1. Amazing!!! So excited for you guys, can't wait to meet Baby Stewart!!!!!!! :)

  2. Simply awesome. You sharing the names?? :o)

  3. Congrats!! I know that this is just the beginning.. but what a great start!

  4. Congrats!!! So excited for you guys!!!! keep the updates coming... waiting can be the hardest part... but know that it will all be worth it in the end!

  5. How amazing! Congrats, you guys. This is wonderful news. Who could learn about you guys and NOT think you are going to make the best parents ever?! You're shoe-ins :)

  6. What wonderful news!!! So exciting!!!!!
