Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Day Two of Three Stewarts

Today was tough for all parties involved in this beautiful baby's life. We got a few precious moments with Crosbee but for the most part of the day we gave Allicia and her family and friends time with her as the grieving process for them has begun.

Prayer Requests:
1. Allicia is at a high pain level from her C-Section.
2. Allicia is saddened by letting go of Crosbee, a very expected emotion.
3. For us to be patient and supportive as this process is unpredictable and emotional.
4. Tomorrow after 11:35ish, Allicia will sign Crosbee over to us legally and we're praying for a court date tomorrow afternoon.

C-Bee had two great feedings today and passed her first test, hearing. She also sneezed four times in a row, which we got on video! There is a possibility she leaves the hospital with us tomorrow, but we'll wait for God's timing and be very grateful for each special moment with our daughter.

If and when papers we've signed become legal in court, we look forward to sharing some of the hundreds of pictures we've taken, on Facebook. Thanks for all the prayers, they got us through today.


  1. I remember all too well the day 2 emotions in the hospital with our birth mom. Praying for all of you...the road is more emotional then we ever think but oh so sweet in the end.

  2. I will continue to pray for all of you. I look foreward to seeing the pictures of Crosbee!
