Thursday, September 29, 2011

Oh Our Goodness, Oh Our Goodness!

As of 3:10 PM CST today Crosbee Lane is legally ours to care for and mold into Christ!!!!

And yet she's not ours yet.

We agreed to allow Allicia to have one more evening with the baby as this hospital frowns upon the infant being discharged before the birth mother is. Allicia elected to stay another day, and really had an emotional straining time signing Crosbee over to us. Even though she is 100% confident we are meant to be Crosbee's parents, this is tough on all.

God is so good and we know more personally that fervent prayer works out His will. We miss Bee like crazy as we didn't hold her at all today, but she's not ours, she's God's and He's chosen us to show His love to her.

If things go as planned (which very minimal has this week), we will arrive at the hospital tomorrow morning at 8:30 AM, sign some paperwork, wait for Allicia's doctor to make his rounds and discharge her and then Crosbee Lane will leave with us. At that time we'll post pictures.

Please continue to lift Allicia up in prayer. We are ecstatic to share this BEAUTIFUL baby with you. We are so blessed for the support system we've had so far.


  1. Such a beautiful display of love to continue to carry a child and love it so much that she chose to share her with someone who couldn't and wanted to desperately. Allicia is so strong, though I am sure she doesn't really feel like it, and SO gracious and generous to provide you guys with such a blessing. I will continue to pray for strength and comfort for her and ease of finalizing the legal aspects as well as travel when it's time to bring that beautiful little bundle who is SO loved already and by so many people, including her birth family!
